" Carl's Date" is a 2023 American computer-animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Bob Peter...

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Watch Carls Date 2023Full Animation Movie , 1080 HD 720p Blu-Ray 4K


"Carl's Date" is a 2023 American computer-animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Bob Peterson. It follows Carl Fredricksen, the widower from the 2009 Pixar film "Up", as he goes on a date with a woman named Ellie. The short was released on Disney+ on June 16, 2023, and is included as a bonus feature on the home release of the film "Elemental".

Carl is initially reluctant to go on the date, as he hasn't been on one in years. However, he eventually agrees to go after his dog, Dug, convinces him to do so. Dug offers Carl some advice on how to make a good impression, but Carl is still nervous.

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The date starts off well, and Carl and Ellie seem to be enjoying each other's company. However, things take a turn for the worse when Carl accidentally digs up Ellie's flower garden. Ellie is upset, and Carl feels terrible.

Carl tries to apologize, but Ellie is still angry. She tells him that he needs to be more careful and that he can't just go around digging up people's flowers. Carl is hurt by her words, and he starts to wonder if he's really cut out for dating.

Just when Carl is about to give up, Dug comes to his rescue. Dug reminds Carl that everyone makes mistakes, and that the most important thing is to apologize and try to do better next time. Carl takes Dug's advice to heart and apologizes to Ellie once more.

Ellie forgives Carl, and the two of them end the date on a positive note. Carl realizes that he can still have fun and enjoy himself, even though he's older. He also learns that it's important to be yourself and not try to be someone you're not.

"Carl's Date" is a heartwarming and humorous short film that will resonate with anyone who has ever been on a date. It is a reminder that it's never too late to find love, and that even the most awkward situations can have a happy ending.


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